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Zaino - Getting started
Zaino - When to apply after a new paint job  - Submitted by: Adam Wartell
   From Sal Zaino: "There's a lot of misinformation about waiting three months for the paint to cure.

I am a custom painter by trade. I am very familar with Dupont, PPG and all the other paint manufacturers.

The most I personally would wait on fresh "aftermarket body shop" paint before polishing with Zaino Show Car Polish is 1 week. That's more than sufficient curing time.

Zaino contains no wax, silicones or abrasives.....

The new paints are catalyzed. A chemical reaction cures the paint. The older lacquers and enamels needed time for the solvents to release. This is not the case anymore. Believe me if that paint need 3 months to dry than it will never dry.... Just the facts."
Zaino - Which to start with after a new paint job

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